for your dancing and listening pleasure
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in the southern hemisphere
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Hundreds of Downloadable Dance Music Tracks
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Information and news regarding the Social Sequence Dancing World
Look in Other Latin for our latest Bachata Dance Music in Sequence
Meet our team

night birds
Tony Gilbert Musical Arranger and Orchestrator
Born in London England Tony Gilbert has an international reputation as a musician. composer and orchestrator
Studying piano from the age of 7 Tony was always going to follow in the footsteps of an illustrious musical family. His grandfather ran a society orchestra in the 1920s performing for the Duke of Devonshire and other nobility whilst Tony's father, Leslie Gilbert was one of the highest rated saxophonists in the word and was a founder member and lead saxophonist of the great Ted Heath Orchestra
Tony's career began in earnest with a three year stint in the band of H.M. Coldstream Guards after switching to trombone at the age of 15. High accolades followed with engagements in London's West End theatre orchestras including cabaret work playing for Shirley Bassey, Tom Jones Johnny Ray and Engelburt Humperdinck.
Tony toured with many big names in the entertainment industry including Little Richard and the Walker Brothers. He joined the touring band of Roy Orbison in 1967, an engagement which took him to Australia where he now resides.
Tony has worked consistantley up to the present day as a Trombonist, Bassist, Pianist and Musical Arranger for many high ranking performers thoughout the world and he has created all the wonderful musical arrangements here for you to enjoy at

Patti Gilbert Presentation and Entertainment Co-ordinator
Born in Wollongong N.S.W Patti's long association with the entertainment industry has taken her all round the world as a professional artiste
As a Cabaret performer and professional compere she was ranked second to none on the Sydney Club circuit and soon progressed to the international arena working in many countries. Patti ( Patti Bond) has performed with many leading entertainers including Phillys Diller and Al Martino.
In the administration field she has worked as a Cruise Director, Events Coordinator and Artists Booking Agent.
Now she brings her extensive talents to the New Vogue, Sequence and Ballroom Dancing scene where her dynamic personality shines through once again. She performs on a regular basis at many interstate dance venues and top level events.